Young Bess Hampton Court

Exterior view Hampton Court, Day/Night, translucent. Gibson created a system of painting pivotal to the success and consistency of the MGM’s Scenic Art Studio. The color palette was straightforward and always set it up the same way, foreground colors, middle distance colors, and distance colors for each painting were established for the paintings. Each zone of distance would have a warm and a cool color set at a specific value. Artists would then move back and forth between each value zone's colors to build up the image. This technique was pivotal to MGM's scenic art success, and emblematic Gibson's aesthetic control.

'Hampton Court' backdrop from Young Bess
'Hampton Court' backdrop from Young Bess, detail shot
'Hampton Court' backdrop from Young Bess, detail shot
'Hampton Court' backdrop from Young Bess, detail shot
'Hampton Court' backdrop from Young Bess, detail shot
'Hampton Court' backdrop from Young Bess, detail shot
'Hampton Court' backdrop from Young Bess
'Hampton Court' backdrop from Young Bess, detail shot
'Hampton Court' backdrop from Young Bess, detail shot
'Hampton Court' backdrop from Young Bess, detail shot
'Hampton Court' backdrop from Young Bess, detail shot
'Hampton Court' backdrop from Young Bess, detail shot
George Sidney
Art Direction
Cedric Gibbons, Urie McCleary
Scenic Art Supervisor
Exterior view Hampton Court, Day/Night, Translucent
London, England, 1550s
35’-0” x 15’-6”
Dry color and gelatin binder on cotton muslin
Exterior Architecture
Gift of J.C. Backings Corporation
Photo Credit
Texas Performing Arts, Sandy Carson

Young Bess follows young Elizabeth I’s life to her accession to England’s throne.

Young Bess, 1953- Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer